Since you can no longer get the infotainment to execute commands from usb, you have to coax it using the TTL-USB cable and a laptop to enter through the back door and force the software onto the cmu. This “hack” is in essence reenabling the boot from usb to allow the AIO tweak tools to do their job. it be a matter of time before this hack is enabled through software?įrom what I have been reading, they disabled the cmu’s ability to run files at boot from the usb drive. If I left something out, please let me know. If the USB is left in, it will start installing the tweaks and everything on the USB. You can remove the USB once the car is off. Step 12 - Use same method above with the tweaks from AIO.
It should only take about 20 seconds max for the messages to start poppping up, just let them install Step 11 - Use the AIO program to install the recovery files on to the flash drive, insert the flash drive and use the cmu reset (navigate+mute for 15 seconds) if the usb isnt recognized automatically.
If you get an error, double check the commands and feel free to make a post and mention me and I will see if I messed up anything in the commands. To be sure, you can reenter the commands until you see either a blank line waiting for another command or an error. You will get an error message if the command is not accepted but you may miss it. right click will paste it, so just copy and right click in the terminal and hit enter. Step 10 - copy and paste the commands into putty.

Move on to step 10 if the cmu is awaiting commands. It will be blank and awaiting commands if the information is accepted or it will request the username if it did not take it. To confirm, just keep hitting enter until you see command lines popping up.

It may be hard to notice if done correctly. Just push enter and type user (the username) and jci (the password). This is fine, it will all scroll way too fast for you to notice. Step 9 - Once all the settings are ready, you can connect and it will look like you are accessing the matrix. This corresponds to the COM number setting in Putty Step 8a - Depending on your version of windows, you can open either device manager or devices and printers (windows 7 and below) to see the COM number. # chmod +x /tmp/mnt/data_persist/dev/bin/autorun # cp -r /tmp/mnt/sd*/XX/* /tmp/mnt/data_persist/dev/bin/ Step 7 - copy and paste these commands to notepad so they are ready to go when you connect. Ensure you have the usbserial port selected On CoolTerm, disable "block keystrokes while flow is halted" option.
Step 6 - Open Putty/CoolTerm, go down to serial and change the options to 115200,8,N,1 (baud rate,databits,parity,stop bits) without DTR/DSR, RTS/CTS, XON/XOFF. Step 5 - Turn car to ACC mode by pushing the start button without pushing the brake down. Step 4 - Make a folder on the USB called XX and put all the autorun files into that folder and plug it into the car I applied tape like so and secured the wires so they would not be easily pulled out. My method was to push the wire through the serial port until you can pull it all the way out of the front and then pull from the back until it is perfect. Tape ground to CMU screw or nearby metal. Step 3 - Push Green and white wires into their respective ports (white top, green bottom, far left backside, there is nothing in the socket) on the side of the serial port. You should also cut farther down on the rubber surrounding all wires, allowing for more range of motion. Strip another 1cm of insulator off of the wires, exposing more copper. Step 2 - Remove the black tips from the green, white, and black wires. Step 1 - Remove trim, bolt, and pull CMU The CMU will not come out far at all.
*Mac program CoolTerm with driver 1.6.1 from prolific *autorun v3 file found in previous instructions USB to TTL (search on Amazon, I used JBtek debug USB to TTL) Items Necessary for serial to laptop directly Shouldn't take more than 90 minutes to get everything back that Mazda took awayīeginner Instructions, certain things like the program used can be changed out but I wanted to detail exactly what I did for my 2017 Mazda 3 Figured I'd post it here for anyone else interested. I take no credit for this, all credit goes to ID7 and sinik420 on mazda3revolution.