
Super smash bros brawl save file dolphin
Super smash bros brawl save file dolphin

super smash bros brawl save file dolphin

Too bad that was a case of Gameplay and Story Segregation. I spent most of the game waiting for him to show up, and then was totally blindsided when he stopped Tabuu from turning everyone back into trophies in the "The Final Battle" scene.

  • Don't forget Sonic's unexpected appearance.
  • There was no one real hero everyone did their fair share, and the ending essentially proved that all the way through by the way it was played.
  • King Dedede is the hero of the entire goddamn story. Did I remember to mention that he spent the better portion of the scene on fire? Because he did. Case in point, R.O.B., in his intro scene "Ganondorf Takes Command" (the one where it first lists his name), spends a solid minute on fire, looking perhaps a little sad at worst, then proceeds to blast several flying mooks out of the air with consecutive eye-laser blasts before shaking off the fire.
  • Most of the cast in the Subspace Emissary gets at least one moment.
  • I was about to say "seconded" but then I realized.
  • The first thing that came out my friend's mouth when he saw that scene for the first time? "Screw Avatar, that was the most beautiful fucking thing I've ever seen." I'm not about to disagree with him.
  • Having Played Kirby Air Ride, where the Dragoon was first featured, seeing that craft in all its beauty and power was incredible.
  • This Troper creamed himself when the Dragoon sliced cleanly through the Subspace Cannon.
  • Which they blew up a floating island to even use.
  • Not to mention the battleship itself, which looks like a star destroyer that Took a Level in Badass.
  • Kirby-wise, let's also not forget the fact that he saved Link, Zelda, Peach, Yoshi, Meta Knight, Ice Climbers, R.O.B, Snake, and Wario SINGLEHANDEDLY from the trophification.
  • See it here, in all its massive awesomeness.
  • and it's all a distraction, to allow Kirby to get close enough on the Dragoon to take the ship down in one hit. The Halberd gets destroyed by only a few shots (yes, that's right, the friggin Halberd gets thoroughly pwned), only to have Samus's gunship, the Falcon Flyer, Fox's Arwing, and even Olimar's little rocket fly out of the blast, right into the teeth of Ganondorf's guns, weaving through and around Roboteching lasers bigger than they are.
  • The scene "The Great Invasion" in the "Subspace Emissary", where the Halberd goes up against Ganondorf and Bowser's battleship.

  • Super smash bros brawl save file dolphin